
Tutorial 12: Test Results Submission

Panoptic segmentation test results submission

The following sections introduce how to produce the prediction results of panoptic segmentation models on the COCO test-dev set and submit the predictions to COCO evaluation server.


# suppose data/coco/ does not exist
mkdir -pv data/coco/

# download test2017
wget -P data/coco/
wget -P data/coco/
wget -P data/coco/

# unzip them
unzip data/coco/ -d data/coco/
unzip data/coco/ -d data/coco/
unzip data/coco/ -d data/coco/

# remove zip files (optional)
rm -rf data/coco/ data/coco/ data/coco/
  • Run the following code to update category information in testing image info. Since the attribute isthing is missing in category information of ‘image_info_test-dev2017.json’, we need to update it with the category information in ‘panoptic_val2017.json’.

python tools/misc/ data/coco/annotations

After completing the above preparations, your directory structure of data should be like this:

`-- coco
    |-- annotations
    |   |-- image_info_test-dev2017.json
    |   |-- image_info_test2017.json
    |   |-- panoptic_image_info_test-dev2017.json
    |   |-- panoptic_train2017.json
    |   |--
    |   |-- panoptic_val2017.json
    |   `--
    `-- test2017

Inference on coco test-dev

The commands to perform inference on test2017 are as below:

# test with single gpu
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tools/ \
    ${CONFIG_FILE} \
    --format-only \
    --cfg-options data.test.ann_file=data/coco/annotations/panoptic_image_info_test-dev2017.json data.test.img_prefix=data/coco/test2017 \
    --eval-options jsonfile_prefix=${WORK_DIR}/results

# test with four gpus
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,3,4 bash tools/ \
    ${CONFIG_FILE} \
    4 \ # four gpus
    --format-only \
    --cfg-options data.test.ann_file=data/coco/annotations/panoptic_image_info_test-dev2017.json data.test.img_prefix=data/coco/test2017 \
    --eval-options jsonfile_prefix=${WORK_DIR}/results

# test with slurm
GPUS=8 tools/ \
    ${Partition} \
    ${JOB_NAME} \
    ${CONFIG_FILE} \
    --format-only \
    --cfg-options data.test.ann_file=data/coco/annotations/panoptic_image_info_test-dev2017.json data.test.img_prefix=data/coco/test2017 \
    --eval-options jsonfile_prefix=${WORK_DIR}/results


Suppose we perform inference on test2017 using pretrained MaskFormer with ResNet-50 backbone.

# test with single gpu
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tools/ \
    configs/maskformer/ \
    checkpoints/maskformer_r50_mstrain_16x1_75e_coco_20220221_141956-bc2699cb.pth \
    --format-only \
    --cfg-options data.test.ann_file=data/coco/annotations/panoptic_image_info_test-dev2017.json data.test.img_prefix=data/coco/test2017 \
    --eval-options jsonfile_prefix=work_dirs/maskformer/results

Rename files and zip results

After inference, the panoptic segmentation results (a json file and a directory where the masks are stored) will be in WORK_DIR. We should rename them according to the naming convention described on COCO’s Website. Finally, we need to compress the json and the directory where the masks are stored into a zip file, and rename the zip file according to the naming convention. Note that the zip file should directly contains the above two files.

The commands to rename files and zip results:

# In WORK_DIR, we have panoptic segmentation results: 'panoptic' and 'results.panoptic.json'.
cd ${WORK_DIR}

# replace '[algorithm_name]' with the name of algorithm you used.
mv ./panoptic ./panoptic_test-dev2017_[algorithm_name]_results
mv ./results.panoptic.json ./panoptic_test-dev2017_[algorithm_name]_results.json
zip panoptic_test-dev2017_[algorithm_name] -ur panoptic_test-dev2017_[algorithm_name]_results panoptic_test-dev2017_[algorithm_name]_results.json
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